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A good reference on Armor

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Over G+, someone shared a link to  And an article it had on chainmail, addressing several myths, commonly held misconceptions regarding armor, and also providing a good overview of various historical versions.

Review of Broken Rooms

Broken Rooms is a Multi-genre Universal RPG by Greymalkin Designs . From the introduction chapter, “you could call Broken Rooms a modern-day post-apocalyptic science fiction conspiracy horror roleplaying game of parallel worlds. “  Taken further,… Review of Broken Rooms

Overview of Earthdawn

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So reading  +Morgan Weeks  blog, (kung fu optional) she has posted a series of articles talking about the awesome that Earthdawn . I remember back in the day, me and my droogs all jumped… Overview of Earthdawn

History of Horror RPGs

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Being that  All Hallow’s Eve is fast approaching, thought I’d point out the Incredible series that Lowell Francis did over it his excellent Blog, Age of Ravens. The history of Horror RPGs Seven parts so… History of Horror RPGs